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Lee, and Virginia, 15: Captain R. E., 217; General R. E., statue of 3, 123; cited, 21, 26; Confederate orders of, 81, 122; Wormsley's lines on, 101; tributes to, 121. 332.

Leopard, The, and the Chesaneake, 25.

Letcher, Gov., John, house of burned, 219, 297.

Lewis, M. D., Samuel E., 226.

Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, 85; tribute to, 121; did not advise payment for slaves, 124, 332.

Ludlow, General W. H., 84.

Lynchburg Campaign and Battle of 251, 279; rolls of companies from, Rifle Grays, Company A, 314; Rifles, Company E, 316; Home Guard Company G, 317; Jeff. Davis Rifles, Company H (all 11th Va.), 319; Wise Troop, Company B, 2nd Va. Cavalry, 320; Lee Battery, Company A, Braxton's Battalion Artillery 322; Beauregard Rifles, afterward Moorman's Battery, 323; Latham's Battery, Company A, 38th Va. Battalion, 325; Davidson's Battery, Company C. 13th Va. Battalion, 326; Heavy Artillery, Company C, 4th Va.. 328; Lee's Body Guard. Company F, 39th Va. Battalion cavalry, 329; Kirkpatrick's Battery, Company A, 31st Battalion Artillery, 330; 2nd Regiment, Va. Cavalry, officers of. 330.

Lyons, James, 99.

Magruder, General J. B., 117.

Mcguire, Dr., Hunter, 101; at Winchester in 1862, 226.

McKinley, Major, Wm.. 110, 305.

McRae, J. R., 359.

Malvern Hill Battle of, 1, 50.

Manassas First, skedaddle at, 269.

Martin, Tom, execution of, by General Hooker, 129; Rev. S. Taylor, 101.

Matthews, H. H., 341.

Maximilian and Mexico 118.

Meredith, General S. A.. 94.

Miles, General N. A., 100.

Mill, John Stuart, 118.

Minor, Berkeley 332; Dr. C. L. C., 129.

Montague, Governor A. J., 360.

Moorman, Major M. N., 110, 306, 372.

Mosby's Command, 90.

Mott, Dr., Valentine, 81.

Mulford, General J. E., 84.

Natchez Miss., War times in, 135.

Negro, The, Problem, 337.

Newbern, Federal fleet at, 205.

Nicholls, General F. T., 284.

Nightingale, Florence, 228.

North, Inconsistency of the, 82.

O'Ferrall. Hon. C. T., 260.

Ould, Hon., Robert, 84.

Palmer, colonel, Wm. H., 112.

Parker. Theodore, 25.

Parsons, Capture of the Philo, 261.

Passy, Frederick 227.

Patteson, Captain, Camm, 154.

Payne, General, Wm. H.. 144.

Pegram, General, John, 105.

Pelham. Charles Thomas, 345 Major John, Lines to by J. R. Randall, Sketch of his career, 338.

Pelham and Breathed's Battery, Roll of, 348.

Pender, General W. D. 112.

Pendleton, Major A. S., killed, 372.

Perryville, Battle of, 238

Peters, Colonel W. E., 218, his noble conduct at Chambersburg, Pa., 266; Winfield, 116.

Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1.

Philip II and William of Orange, 30.

Piatt, Donn, 103.

Porter, General, Fitz John, 147; Constructor J. L., 207.

Price, Major R. C., killed, 110.

Prisons, Northern and Southern, 29, 229, 257.

Prisoners, Treatment and Exchange of. 77-79, 230; Fatality among, in Northern prisons, 100.

Ramseur, General S. D., 105, killed, 372.

Randall. James R., 338.

Randolph, Colonel, Robert, 146.

Rebels and Rebellions, 3, 7.

Reed, W. P., 117.

Reynolds, General J. F., 148.

Richmond, First Federal to enter, 152.

Rogers, Major, wounded, 114.

Rhodes, James F., 19.

Rodes, General R. E., 111.

Sadler, D. M., 174.

Sanitary Commission, Federal, 81.

Sassacus destroyed. The, 213.

Schofield, General J. M., 97.

Scott, Colonel, John, 142; General Winfield, 20.

Secession, discussed, 13. 334, 362; of Southern States, 17; prime instigators of, 19.

Seven Days Battles, Reminiscences of, 147.

Shelby, General, Joe, 117.

Sherman, General W. T., 21; his definition of war, 235.

Sickles, General D. E., 112.

Silver Grays, Service of, 309.

Slavery in the South, 15, 77; old system of contrasted with present conditions, 125.

Slavers, Last of the. Voyage of the Wanderer, 355.

Slaves, trade in, by whom instituted and continued, 124, 127.

Smith, General, E. Kirby, 117.

Solferino, Battle of, 227.

South Carolina Cadets in the war. 138.

South, The, and the Union. To whom should we build monuments? 332.

Southern Cause, The, 360.

Southfleld destroyed, The, 210.

Southron, Characterization of the, 12, 239, 300, 334, 361.

Stephens, Alexander H., 93.

Stephenson, Captain J. A., 196.

Stevens, Major A. H., 152.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 126

Susanna, The C. S. Steamer, 203.

Susette homestead ruthlessly destroyed, 135.

Sumner, Charles, 30.

Thomas, General G. H., 20, 21.

Thompson, Conspiracy of Jacob, 256.

Train, The Enoch, 196.

Tuttle, General 135.

Tyler, Hon., J. Hoge, 360.

Underwriter, Capture of the, 206.

Van Buren, Dr. W. H., 88.

Venable, Colonel C. S., 139.

Virginian, Individuality of the, 16; Conservatism of the, 18.

War, The, Who brought it on, 77; how conducted. 78, 301.

Washington Statue stolen, 297.

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John Pelham (2)
Robert Lee (2)
Elliott Grays (2)
Philip Stanhope Wormsley (1)
Winfield (1)
Charles S. Venable (1)
J. Hoge Tyler (1)
Tuttle (1)
Jake Thompson (1)
George Henry Thomas (1)
Charles Thomas (1)
S. Taylor (1)
Charles Sumner (1)
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1)
Atherton H. Stevens (1)
J. A. Stephenson (1)
Alexander H. Stephens (1)
Edmund Kirby Smith (1)
D. E. Sickles (1)
William T. Sherman (1)
Joe Shelby (1)
John Scott (1)
J. M. Schofield (1)
Sassacus (1)
David M. Sadler (1)
Charles G. Rogers (1)
R. E. Rodes (1)
James F. Rhodes (1)
John F. Reynolds (1)
Wallace Putnam Reed (1)
Robert Randolph (1)
James R. Randall (1)
J. R. Randall (1)
Stephen D. Ramseur (1)
R. C. Price (1)
Fitz John Porter (1)
Donn Piatt (1)
William E. Peters (1)
A. S. Pendleton (1)
William D. Pender (1)
John Pegram (1)
Wm Payne (1)
Camm Patteson (1)
Passy (1)
Philo Parsons (1)
Theodore Parker (1)
Wm Palmer (1)
Robert Ould (1)
Charles T. O'Ferrall (1)
Florence Nightingale (1)
Francis T. Nicholls (1)
John E. Mulford (1)
Valentine Mott (1)
Charles W. Mosby (1)
Marcellus N. Moorman (1)
M. N. Moorman (1)
A. J. Montague (1)
Peter Minor (1)
John Stuart Mill (1)
N. A. Miles (1)
S. A. Meredith (1)
John R. McRae (1)
Wm McKinley (1)
Hunter McGuire (1)
Maximilian (1)
H. H. Matthews (1)
Tom Martin (1)
John B. Magruder (1)
James Lyons (1)
William H. Ludlow (1)
Abraham Lincoln (1)
M. D. Lewis (1)
John Letcher (1)
Leopard (1)
G. W. Latham (1)
Thomas J. Kirkpatrick (1)
Cary John (1)
James (1)
Joseph Hooker (1)
George S. Davidson (1)
James Breathed (1)
Braxton (1)
Carter Berkeley (1)
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