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Elliott Grays of Manchester, Va. [from the Richmond, Va., times, November 28, 1902.]

Roll of, with history of the Company. Names in bronze of Chesterfield troops on monument at Chesterfield C. H.

Judge William I. Clopton and Captain James A. Lipscomb, of Manchester, this morning left for Chesterfield Courthouse to superintend the placing of the figure of the Confederate soldier on the monument at that place. The monument will be unveiled some time next year. On each side of the monument bronze plates will be placed, containing the names of the members of the companies of Chesterfield county and Manchester, who fought in the Civil war.

Judge William I. Clopton, who was one of the commanding officers of the Manchester Artillery, has been appointed chairman of the special committee to inspect the rolls of the different companies to see that persons who did not serve in the war, or who deserted, shall not have their names inscribed on the plates.

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