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[57] and the appropriation of one thousand acres “for the good of the church.” I quote again from the Town Records:—--

April 9, 1648. “It was agreed at a general meeting, when the whole town had special warning to meet for the disposing of Shawshine, that there should be a farm laid out, of a thousand acres, to be for a public stock, and improved for the good of the church and that part of the church that here shall continue; and every person or persons that shall from time to time remove from the church do hereby resign up their interest therein to the remaining part of the church of Cambridge. This thousand acres of land, given to the use aforesaid, shall be laid out either all together, or else severally part in one place and part elsewhere, according to the discretion of the men that are appointed to lay out the land.”

“Also there was granted to several brethren that had no house-right in the town, if they did desire it,” farms at Shawshine:—

Imprimis, Capt. Googine a farm, if he buy a house in the town; also to Bro. Edward Oakes, Tho. Oakes, and Richard Hildreth, each of them a farm for their encouragement, if they see it may make for their support and desire it.

Further, it is granted to Mr. Henry Dunster and Mr. Edward Collins liberty to have their small farms at Shawshine, and to be considered in their quantity more than others in regard of their work and place.

April 1649. Agreed,

that Mr. Henry Dunster, President of Harvard College, should have 500 acres, whereof 400 is granted by the town to his own person and heirs, to enjoy freely forever, and the other 100 acres for the use of Harvard College.

Item, unto Mr. Daniell Googine 500 acres.

Item, unto Mr. Edward Collins, in lieu of his small farm within the town bounds, with some addition in respect of his place in the Deacon's office, it was agreed that he should have 500 acres.

June 9, 1652.

It was agreed by the Church that Shawshine should be divided as followeth:—

To Mr. Michell, five hundred acres.

To Edw. Okes, three hundred acres.

To Thomas Okes, one hundred and fifty acres.

It was agreed that these three above named should have their lots laid out by a committee with as little prejudice to any lot as may be, and so not to draw any lot.

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