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[316] volume was prevented by his death, which occurred March 21, 1861. Tufts College bestowed on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1860.

Rev. Samuel P. Skinner commenced preaching here June 5, 1831, and was ordained on the nineteenth day of the same month. His ministry was very short. About the first of May, 1832, he removed to Baltimore, and was for a time engaged in teaching. He subsequently preached in several places, and at length settled in Chicago, Ill. He died August 12, 1858, aged 48.

Rev. Lucius R. Paige was born in Hardwick, March 8, 1802, commenced preaching June 1, 1823, and was ordained June 2, 1825. After laboring in several places, as an evangelist, more than two years, and performing the duties of a settled pastor nearly four years at Springfield, and about two years at Gloucester (now Rockport), he commenced his ministry here May 20, 1832, was installed July 8, 1832, and resigned July 1, 1839. He continued to preach, occasionally, nearly thirty years afterwards, until the precarious condition of his health compelled him to desist. During his pastorate he published ‘Selections from Eminent Commentators,’ in 1833, and ‘Questions on Select Portions of the Gospels, designed for the use of Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes,’ in 1838; also a Centennial Address at Hardwick, 1838. He subsequently wrote a ‘Commentary on the New Testament,’ in six volumes, of which the first was published in 1844 and the last in 1870. While engaged in this work, as a relaxation from severer studies, he gathered materials for this History of Cambridge. Meanwhile, his literary labors yielding scanty returns, he devoted the business hours of the day to the performance of secular duties. He was Town Clerk from March, 1839, to January, 1840, and from March, 1843, to May, 1846; City Clerk from May, 1846, to October, 1855; Treasurer of the Cambridgeport Savings Bank, from April, 1855, to April, 1871, during the larger portion of which period he was also successively Cashier and President of the Cambridge Bank. He received the degree of A. M. from Harvard College, 1850, and that of D. D. from Tufts College, 1861.

Rev. Lemuel Willis was born at Windham, Vt., April 24, 1802, commenced preaching July 28, 1822, was ordained Oct. 2, 1823, and was installed here Oct. 1, 1842, having previously been settled at Troy, N. Y., Salem, Washington, N. H., and Lynn. He resigned Sept. 28, 1845, and was afterwards pastor at Claremont, N. H., South Orange, Mass., and Portsmouth,

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