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[518] and trained up many of English, American, and Indian birth, for admission to the College. This school he had taught so long before 1643, that he had, according to Johnson, ‘very well approved himself for his abilities, dexterity, and painfulness, in teaching and education of the youths under him;’ and he remained in office until 1680, and probably until his death. His fame extended through the colony; and Mather, in his Magnolia, refers to him as ‘that memorable old schoolmaster in Cambridge, from whose education our college and country has received so many of its worthy men, that he is himself worthy to have his name celebrated,’ etc. He resided on the easterly side of Dunster Street, between Mt. Auburn and Winthrop streets. By his w. Barbara (who was sister to Richard Cutter), he had Rebecca, b. 14 Aug. 1644, prob. d. young; Hepzibah, bap here, m. James Minott 2 May 1673 (by whom she had Mary, living unm. 1723), and Daniel Champney 9 June 1684 (by whom she had Hepzibah, b. 23 June 1687), and d. prob. 1715; Ammi-Ruhamah, bap. here. Elijah the f. d. 25 Feb. 1686-7, aged 78. His w. Barbara survived him about twenty years. She had a grant of land in 1707, but probe. d. during that year.

2. Ammi-Ruhamah, s. of Elijah (1), grad. II. C. 1670; is said to have taught school in Plymouth. 1672; was afterwards Fellow of the College, and probably engaged as one of the instructors until he d. unm. 1 Feb. 1678-9; for the corporation ordered, ‘that the Treasurer of the College do pay to Mrs. Belshar for wine of her received and expended at the funeral of Mr. Ammi-Ruhamah Corlett.’

Cox, Matthew, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Walter Russell (pub. 30 Mar. 1739), and had Elizabeth. bap. 20 Jan. 1739-40, m. Henry Dickson 24 July 1766; Agnes, bap. 1 Mar. 1740-41, m. James Phillips 14 May 1778; Walter, bap. 7 Oct. 1744; Samuel, bap. 28 Sept. 1746; Matthew, bap. 27 Mar. 1748; William, bap. 8 Ap. 1750; Phebe, bap. 14 Ap. 1754, m. John Hobbs 24 June 1777; Benjamin, bap. 7 Mar. 1756. Matthew the f. was instantly killed by a fall from an apple tree, which he was pruning, 16 Feb. 1756; his w. Elizabeth d. 1 Jan. 1768.

2. Walter, s. of Matthew (1), was a tanner; he m. Judith Deland of Chs. 16 Nov. 1769, and had Elizabeth, bap. 18 Nov. 1770; Walter, bap. 6 June 1773; William, bap. 7 Sept. 1777;, John Hobbs, bap. 7 Ap. 1782; John Upham, bap. 6 Mar. 1785; Samuel, bap. 28 Sept. 1788. Mrs. Judith Cox was living (chargeable) with her sons, William and Upham, Mar. 5 1807.

3. Samuel, s. of Mathew (1), m. Lydia Cooper 16 Nov. 768; she d. and he m. Jemima Hasey 16 Feb. 1775. He d. 1776; and his w. Jemima m. John Christian Fricke 18 Aug. 1778. Children not recorded.

4. William, s. of Mathew (1), m. Mary Sawin 25 Nov. 1779. No further record.

5. Benjamin, S. of Mathew (1), m. Susanna Leeds of Dorchester (pub. 25 Sept. 1779), and had Nancy, bap. 12 Feb. 1786, and perhaps others.

6. Walter, s. of Walter (2), m. Susanna Smith, 11 Dec. 1796, and had Susanna, b. 28 Mar. 1797; Sarah, b. 28 Oct. 1799; Walter, b. 5 Nov. 1801. Walter, the f. d. 27 Ap. 1807; his w. Susanna survived.

7. Samuel, prob. s. of Samuel (3), m. Fanny, dau. of Daniel Watson, and had Samuel, b. 9 Nov. 1793; Leonard, b. 3 Mar. 1796; Fanny, b. 7 July 1800; Elbridge, b. 4 May 1806. Samuel the f. d. 26 Oct. 1848, a. 82; his w. Fanny d. 27 April 1855, a. 88.

Crackbone, Gilbert (otherwise written Crackbon, Cragbone, Crakeborne), was an early inhabitant of Camb. and freeman in 1636. He bought an estate on the westerly side of Garden Street of Joseph Isaac about 1638, which he sold in 1646 to Philip Cook; and he seems afterwards to have resided on North Avenue. His w. having deceased, he m. Elizabeth Coolidge 17 June 1656. He d. 2 Jan. 1671-2, and devised his estate to his w. and to Joseph and Sarah, children of his only son Benjamin of which son he says, ‘it is my sore affliction that his disobedient carriage have obstructed the manifestation of my fatherly compassions towards him.’ His w. Elizabeth m. Richard Robbins 26 Mar. 1673. Mary, who d. 30 May 1655, and Judith, who d. 1 July 1655, were probably his daughters.

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