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“ [257] inhabitants of this town in May 1650, it was voted and consented unto by the Town, that the house which Mr. Philips built anent Charlestowne lane, with the land adjoining and woodlot, should be sold to Thomas Danforth for fifty pounds, to be paid by him to Mr. Philips or his assigns in current country pay upon demand at the said house; the said Thomas Danforth to enjoy the said house and land to him and his heirs and assigns forever.” It does not appear by what authority the town thus disposed of Mr. Phillips' estate; but a subsequent record, under date of Feb. 12, 1655-6, confirms the sale, notwithstanding the purchase-money had not yet been demanded by Mr. Phillips, then residing at Wrentham, to which place he seems to have returned when he left New England. Deputy-governor Danforth resided on this estate nearly half a century, having very much enlarged it by subsequent purchases, and at his death in 1699 bequeathed it to his daughter, the wife of Francis Foxcroft, Esq., whose descendants owned it more than a whole century afterwards.

Among the disbursements up to 1645 (at which point there occurs a hiatus of more than twenty years in the account), are many for the relief of the poor as well as for provisions for the “Lord's table,” and for other necessaries:—

[1639.]To Elder Frost we sent the 15 of the 5th month in beefe, chese candle and money to buy corne in all 20s.1.0.0
Given my brother John French the 5th of the 11th month2.0.0
Given my brother Towne toward his expense in a sicknesse1.0.0
Our brother Syll being deeply indebted and that to Mr. Ting 22l. 12s. we did give of the churches stock half soe much to Mr. Ting if he wold frely forgive the other and give it to our brother Syll wch God moved him to do soe pd.11.6.0
Payd my brother Towne his half years allowance 30s.1.10.0
Payd him for paynes taken more than ordinary in making cleane the meetinge house in the time of its repayreinge. 12s.0.12.0
Payd for 9 times going to call the church together at 8d. a time 6s.0.6.0
[1640.]To our Elder Frost the 20 of the 3d month 30s.1.10.0
To our sister Albon 1 pk of malt 18d.0.1.6
[1641.]Given our sister Francis More (to supply them in there need) 5s.0.5.0

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