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‘ [436] Scribed, died in the service of their country, in the War for the maintenance of the Union. To Perpetuate the memory of their Valor and patriotism, this Monu-Ment is erected by the City, A. D. 1869-70.’ The names are inscribed on eight tablets, two upon each buttress. It is surely no more than just that they should also be inscribed here:

Brigadier General.

Charles Russell Lowell.


P. Stearns Davis.


Henry L. Patten.

Brevet Major.

Charles James Mills.


Thomas O. Barri.

Joseph A. Baxter.

Robert T. Bourne.

Richard Gary.

Alexander J. Dallas.

Thomas R. Robeson.

Levi P. Thompson.

First Lieutenants.

William Bradford Allyn.

Gerald Fitzgerald.

James J. Lowell.

James Munroe.

John H. Rafferty.

W. Carey Rice.

Ezra Ripley.

Jared Shepard.

Frank E. Stimson.

Second Lieutenants.

Leonard C. Alden.

Pardon Almy, Jr.

Rudolph N. Anderson.

Joseph P. Burrage.

Howard Carroll.

James B. Hancock.

William L. Putnam.

Hiram Rowe.

William H. B. Smith.

William H. Tibbetts.

Sergeant Major.

Walter W. Nurse.


J. Frank Angell.

William H. Babcock.

Charles Bisbee.

Charles B. Brown.

Daniel F. Brown.

James L. Brown.

George F. Gate.

Martin G. Child.

A. Stacy Courtis.

John L. Fenton.

George Grier.

William P. Hadley.

Anselm C. Hammond.

Oliver Hapgood.

George W. Harris.

Edward M. Hastings.

George E. Henshaw.

Curtis Hobbs.

Oliver L. Hodgdon.

Horace M. Hornier.

Charles A. Howard.

William H. Keene.

Andrew A. Langley.

Lauren F. Langley.

William Matthews.

James McCalvey.

Nathaniel Prentiss.

John Henry Purcell.

Edwin F. Richardson.

Charles C. Schwartz.

John P. Turner.

Theodore E. Waters.


Alexander T. Barri.

Erastus R. Bullard.

Thomas Cassidy.

William L. Champney.

Richard Condon.

John Cooley.

Owen Duffy.

Hezekiah O. Gale.

John Hamilton.

John Hogan.

John E. Howe.

Levi Langley.

Thomas Lawson.

David K. Munroe.

Jeremiah Murphy.

Joseph McEvoy.

Charles E. Neale.

William J. Rand.

Frederick Ruhling.

Lucian J. Sanderson.

John Scanlan.

Frank Snow.

William F. Sparrow.

Thomas Tabor.

Augustus A. Thurston.

Alphonzo D. Titus.

Henry Walker.

Joseph H. Wyman.


William Adams.

George N. Allen.

Sidney Allen.

Frank M. Almy.

Lucien Andrews.

James Angling.

Joseph Baldwin.

Samuel Benjamin.

George W. Bentley.

Joseph D. Bertsch.

Edwin J. Bigelow.

George R. Blake.

Horace O. Blake.

Walter S. Bradbury.

Charles M. Bridges.

John P. Brown.

George W. Bullock.

Georgo L. Burton.

John D. Burtwell.

Albert L. Butler.

John E. Butler.

Patrick Callahan.

William C. Carnes.

Charles A. Carpenter.

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Frank M. Almy (2)
Joseph Henry Wyman (1)
Theodore E. Waters (1)
Henry Walker (1)
John P. Turner (1)
Alphonzo D. Titus (1)
William H. Tibbetts (1)
Augustus A. Thurston (1)
Levi P. Thompson (1)
Thomas Tabor (1)
Frank E. Stimson (1)
William F. Sparrow (1)
William H. B. Smith (1)
Jared Shepard (1)
Charles C. Schwartz (1)
John Scanlan (1)
Lucian J. Sanderson (1)
Frederick Ruhling (1)
Hiram Rowe (1)
Thomas R. Robeson (1)
Ezra Ripley (1)
Edwin F. Richardson (1)
W. Carey Rice (1)
William J. Rand (1)
John H. Rafferty (1)
William L. Putnam (1)
John Henry Purcell (1)
Nathaniel Prentiss (1)
Henry L. Patten (1)
Walter W. Nurse (1)
Charles E. Neale (1)
Jeremiah Murphy (1)
James Munroe (1)
David K. Munroe (1)
Joseph McEvoy (1)
James McCalvey (1)
William Matthews (1)
James J. Lowell (1)
Charles Russell Lowell (1)
Thomas Lawson (1)
Levi Langley (1)
Lauren F. Langley (1)
Andrew A. Langley (1)
William H. Keene (1)
John E. Howe (1)
Charles A. Howard (1)
Horace M. Hornier (1)
John Hogan (1)
Oliver L. Hodgdon (1)
Curtis Hobbs (1)
George E. Henshaw (1)
Edward M. Hastings (1)
George W. Harris (1)
Oliver Hapgood (1)
James B. Hancock (1)
Anselm C. Hammond (1)
John Hamilton (1)
William P. Hadley (1)
George Grier (1)
George F. Gate (1)
Richard Gary (1)
Hezekiah O. Gale (1)
Gerald Fitzgerald (1)
John L. Fenton (1)
Owen Duffy (1)
P. Stearns Davis (1)
Alexander J. Dallas (1)
A. Stacy Courtis (1)
John Cooley (1)
Richard Condon (1)
Martin G. Child (1)
William L. Champney (1)
Thomas Cassidy (1)
Howard Carroll (1)
Charles A. Carpenter (1)
William C. Carnes (1)
Patrick Callahan (1)
John E. Butler (1)
Albert L. Butler (1)
John D. Burtwell (1)
Georgo L. Burton (1)
Joseph P. Burrage (1)
George W. Bullock (1)
Erastus R. Bullard (1)
John P. Brown (1)
James L. Brown (1)
Daniel F. Brown (1)
Charles B. Brown (1)
Charles M. Bridges (1)
Walter S. Bradbury (1)
Robert T. Bourne (1)
Horace O. Blake (1)
George R. Blake (1)
Charles Bisbee (1)
Edwin J. Bigelow (1)
Joseph D. Bertsch (1)
George W. Bentley (1)
Samuel Benjamin (1)
Joseph A. Baxter (1)
Thomas O. Barri (1)
Alexander T. Barri (1)
Joseph Baldwin (1)
William H. Babcock (1)
J. Frank Angell (1)
Lucien Andrews (1)
Rudolph N. Anderson (1)
William Bradford Allyn (1)
Sidney Allen (1)
George N. Allen (1)
Leonard C. Alden (1)
William Adams (1)
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