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[205] fifty-two others to the General Court, June 6, 1809, setting forth, “that the Canal Bridge across Charles River, between the west end of Leverett Street, in Boston, and Lechmere's Point, so called, in Cambridge, was begun during the last season, and great progress was made therein, that the work has been again resumed this spring, and is now pursued with great spirit and alacrity, so that the Bridge will probably be completed and ready for the accommodation of passengers by the middle of July next; that there is not now any public highway leading to the west end of said Bridge;” and that the Court of Sessions, for lack of a quorum of disinterested Justices, had failed to establish such a public way. “Wherefore your petitioners pray, that you will take their peculiar case into your consideration, and provide for their relief, either by appointing a committee in such a way as to you may seem most fit, to explore, view, and mark out new highways from the westerly end of said Bridge to communicate with the great roads into the country at such places as will best comport with common convenience and the public good, or in such other way as you in your wisdom may appoint; which Committee shall be further authorized and instructed to notify all persons and corporations who may be in any wise interested and affected by their proceedings, of the time and places, when and where they shall report; and who shall make their report to the Court of Sessions for said County of Middlesex, or to some other tribunal which may be authorized finally to hear all persons and parties, and establish such new highways as the public convenience may require.” An order of notice was issued, and at a meeting held on the 12th day of June, “the following order was taken thereupon by the town: Whereas a road has been laid out and made by Andrew Craigie and others, from the west end of Canal Bridge (so called), to the road near the Colleges, called Cambridge and Concord Turnpike, or Concord Street, leading to Cambridge Common, excepting over a small piece of land belonging to Henry Hill and others, which prevents a communication from said Bridge to said Common; therefore voted, that the Selectmen be authorized and directed to lay out a road or way over the land aforesaid of the said Hill and others, of the same width of the road made by said Craigie, so that all obstructions may be removed to the opening of the said road from Canal Bridge to Cambridge Common. Voted, that a committee of five be appointed to prepare and present a petition and remonstrance against the petition of Thomas H. Perkins and others to the Hon.

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