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Immediately after the arrival of Mr. Shepard's company, they became prominent in municipal affairs, although the larger part of Mr. Hooker's company did not remove until six months afterwards. I quote again from the Town Records:—

Nov. 23, 1635.

At a general meeting of the whole town, there was then chosen, to order the business of the whole town for the year following, and until new be chosen in their room, Mr. Roger Harlakenden, William Spencer, Andrew Warner, Joseph Cooke, John Bridge, Clement Chaplin, Nicholas Danforth, Thomas Hosmer, William Andrews: which nine men are to have the power of the Town as those formerly chosen had, as may appear in the order made the 3d Feb. 1634. (1634-5.)

Further, there was chosen and sworn William Andrews, constable for the year following, and until a new be chosen.

Further, there was then chosen for the year following Barnabas Lambson to be surveyor of the highways.

It is further ordered, That the Town Book shall be at William Spencer's house.

With a change of government came a change of customs. Some of the common planting fields became private property. Thus the Old Field, containing about sixty-three acres, was divided between Edward Goffe, Samuel Shepard, and Joseph Cooke. Small-lot-Hill, in like manner, passed into fewer hands. Farms were granted to such as desired them, both on the south side of the River, and in the territory now embraced in Arlington and Lexington. Much the larger portion of the inhabitants continued to reside in the “town,” and “West end,” very few venturing beyond the line of Sparks, Wyeth, and Garden Streets; but provision was made for the suitable care of their cattle, on the commons, by keepers specially appointed. Rules were adopted to promote the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants, and to protect them against annoyance by undesirable

1 Names soon disappeared.

2 Remained here.

3 Removed to Charlestown.

4 Remained here.

5 Remained here.

6 Removed to Concord.

7 Names soon disappeared.

8 Names soon disappeared.

9 Remained here.

10 Removed to Duxbury.

11 Remained here.

12 Remained here.

13 Removed to Hartford.

14 A proprietor; but resided in Watertown.

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