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Ezra DeanApril 9, 1847Aug. 8, 1858
Peter MackintoshApril 9, 1847July 28, 1848
Eben SnowApril 27, 1847

St. Peter's Church (Catholic).—The Parish of St. Peter's Church was organized in January 1849, by Rev. Manasses P. Dougherty, who still remains its faithful and beloved pastor. For more than a quarter of a century he has done much to promote the growth and prosperity of his church. He has been actively engaged in the organization of all the Catholic parishes in the city, except St. John's; and of this he was the second pastor. St. Peter's Church edifice, on the southerly side of Concord Avenue, near the Observatory, was erected in 1848, and dedicated in May, 1849.

Third Universalist.—A Unitarian Society was organized Oct. 8, 1851, in North Cambridge (including several families residing in Somerville), under the name of the ‘Allen Street Congregational Society.’ The corner-stone of a meeting-house for its use had been laid a fortnight previously, Sept. 25, 1851, on a lot furnished for that purpose by Mr. Walter M. Allen, at the southeast corner of Allen and Orchard streets. This edifice was constructed of wood, ‘was finished Feb. 2, 1853,’ and was totally destroyed, March 19, 1865, by a fire which also consumed many other buildings. Another meeting-house, also of wood, was immediately erected on the same spot; it ‘was completed Dec. 21, 1865,’ and was afterwards enlarged. The corner-stone of a more spacious edifice was laid Oct. 23, 1875, on the southwesterly side of North Avenue and fronting on Union Square; constructed of brick, 67 by 85 feet, and containing 154 pews; this house was dedicated Sept. 14, 1876.

At a meeting of the society, Oct. 17, 1869, it was voted, ‘that the Allen Street Congregational society be, and the same is, hereby united with the Religious Societies of the Universalist Denomination of Christians.’ The society voted, June 29, 1870, to ask the formal fellowship of the Massachusetts Convention of Universalists, which was granted; and by an Act of the General

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