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διῳκίσθημεν κτλ. This is apparently a reference—in spite of the audacious anachronism (cp. Introd. § VIII.), to the διοικισμός of Mantinea in 385 B.C., for which see Xen. Hell. v. 2. 1 ff. ἐκ δὲ τούτου καθῃρέθη μὲν τὸ τεῖχος, διῳκίσθη δὲ Μαντινεία τετραχῆ καθάπερ τὸ ἀρχαῖον ᾤκουν (i.e. κατὰ κώμας): Isocr. Pan. 67 A: Arist. Pol. II. 2, § 3.

καταγραφὴν. Many editors divide the word κατὰ γραφήν. Probably whichever reading we adopt the meaning is the same, “in profile,” the figures being bas-reliefs (crusta). Cp. Plin. XXXV. 34 hic catagrapha invenit, hoc est obliquas imagines.

ὥσπερ λίσπαι. These are διαπεπρισμένοι ἀστράγαλοι (Schol. ad loc., Suidas), like the σύμβολον of 191 D: cp. Ar. Ran. 826, Schol. ad Eur. Med. 610.

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  • Commentary references from this page (1):
    • Plato, Symposium, 191d
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