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Οὕτω πολλὴν. The German translators mostly take οὕτω as qualifying the adjj., “so vielfach und gross” (Zeller, Schleierm.), but Hommel is probably right in taking οὕτω by itself (“hoc modo,” “itaque”) comparing οὕτω πολλαχόθεν 178 C. Cp. Hippocr. de flat. 3 οὗτος (sc. ἀὴρ) δὲ μέγιστος ἐν τοῖσι πᾶσι τῶν πάντων δυνάστης ἐστίν: ἄξιον δὲ αὐτοῦ θεήσασθαι τὴν δύναμιν.

καὶ...παρὰ θεοῖς. Hug condemns these words, as implying a slur on the righteousness of the gods. But the phrase is merely a stock formula, like our “heaven and earth,” not intended to bear rigid analysis: cp. 186 B, 187 E καὶ τοῖς ἀνθρωπείοις καὶ τοῖς θείοις.

καὶ ἀλλήλοις...θεοῖς. For the accus. δυναμένους after ἡμῖν cp. 176 D. The καὶ after εἶναι is rendered “auch” by Hug, as if ὁμιλεῖν governed ἀλλήλοις and φίλους εἶναι the other datives, but Zeller's rendering, which makes both the infinitives govern both sets of datives, seems more natural.

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hide References (3 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (3):
    • Plato, Symposium, 176d
    • Plato, Symposium, 186b
    • Plato, Symposium, 187e
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