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καὶ μὴ λάβοι χρήματα. In defence of the text here, against the excisions of Cobet and Hug, see Vahlen, Op. Acad. II. 366: cp. Hipp. Min. 372 E σὺ οὖν χάρισαι καὶ μὴ φθονήσῃς ἰάσασθαι τὴν ψυχήν μου: Thuc. II. 13. 1 μὴ τοὺς ἀγροὺς αὑτοῦ παραλίπῃ καὶ μὴ δῃώσῃ.

διὰ τὴν φιλίαν ἐραστοῦ. This phrase also is rejected by Hug (followed by Hirzel) on the grounds that (1) “an der correspondierenden Stelle nichts steht,” (2) we should expect rather διὰ τὸν ἔρωτα τοῦ ἐραστοῦ (cp. 182 C). The latter objection falls if, with Rückert, we take ἐραστοῦ as object. gen. (“suam caritatem erga amatorem”). φιλία ἐραστοῦ here is, I take it, equiv, to the compound φιλεραστία (213 D, cp. 192 B).

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  • Commentary references from this page (2):
    • Plato, Symposium, 182c
    • Plato, Symposium, 192b
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