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ἄδηλον οἷ τελευτᾷ. Cp. Phaedrus 232 E τῶν μὲν ἐρώντων πολλοὶ πρότερον τοῦ σώματος ἐπεθύμησαν τὸν τρόπον ἔγνωσαν κτλ.: Theogn. 1075 ff. πρήγματος ἀπρήκτου χαλεπώτατόν ἐστι τελευτὴν | γνῶναι...ὄρφνη γὰρ τέταται: Alcid. Odyss. 5 πᾶσά τε ἀπορία ἦν ποῖ ποτε προβήσοιτο ...τελευτή. A similar sentiment occurs in the Clown's song in Twelfth-Night: “What's to come is still unsure...Youth's a stuff will not endure.”

κακίας καὶ ἀρετῆς. Possibly these genitives are to be construed (with Rückert) as dependent on the preceding adverb οἷ: cp. Soph. O. T. 413οὐ βλέπεις ἵν᾽ εἶ κακοῦ” (Madv. Gr. Synt. § 50 B). Hug, however, takes them to be governed by πέρι, comparing for the separation of prepos. from case Apol. 19 C, Soph. Aj. 793.

τούτους...ἐραστὰς. For οὗτος contemptuous cp. Apol. 17 B, Rep. 492 D οὗτοι οἱ παιδευταί τε καὶ σοφισταί (“οὗτοι is the contemptuous isti” Adam).

τὸ τοιοῦτον. Sc. μὴ ἐρᾶν παίδων (D ad fin.). For the db. accus. with -αναγκάζω, cp. Rep. 473 A τοῦτο μὴ ἀνάγκαζέ με: Phaedrus 242 B. Hommel, perversely, construes τὸ τοιοῦτον as an adverbial accus., “ganz in der Weise wie” etc.

τῶν ἐλευθέρων γυναικῶν. For the legal penalties (by a γραφὴ μοιχείας or ὕβρεως or a δίκη βιαίων) for rape and adultery, see Lysias I. 26, 30, 49. One of the lesser penalties was that alluded to by Catullus XV. 18 f., Quem...Percurrent raphanique mugilesque.

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hide References (8 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (8):
    • Plato, Republic, 473a
    • Plato, Republic, 492d
    • Plato, Apology, 17b
    • Plato, Apology, 19c
    • Plato, Phaedrus, 232e
    • Plato, Phaedrus, 242b
    • Sophocles, Ajax, 793
    • Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, 413
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