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[335] νεμέσσι, remarkable form from “νέμεσις”, equivalent to Attic “῎εμέσει”.

[336] ἄχεϊ προτραπέσθαι, ‘to give way to anguish.’

[337] παρειποῦσ᾽α) has its first syllable long because originally sounded “παρϝειποῦσα§ 61.16). But the digamma is neglected, A 555.

[339] νίκη δ᾽ ἐπαμείβεται ἄνδρας, ‘victory comes to men by turns.’ For a similar sentiment of Paris see 3.439 f.

[340] δύω, aorist subjunctive, § 193.

[344] κυνός, appositive to “ἐμεῖο”. For signification cf. A 225, 3.180.— κακομηχάνοο, § 74.

κρυοέσσης, causing chilly fear, ‘horrid.’

[345] ὥς μ᾽ε) ὄφελ᾽ε), a past impossible wish, § 203. The subject of ὄφελε (= Attic “ὤφελε”) is “θύελλα” (l. 346). μ̓ (l. 345) is object of “προφέρουσα” (l. 346). οἴχεσθαι (l. 346) although present in form is past in meaning. Translate: ‘would that a dreadful blast of wind had borne me onward’ (literally ‘had gone bearing me’). Compare Helen's previous wish, not unlike this, 3.173, and Tennyson's reminiscence of the lines:

I would the white cold heavy-plunging foam,
Whirl'd by the wind, had roll'd me deep below,
Then when I left my home.

A Dream of Fair Women.

[348] ἀπόερσε: elision of “ο” was prevented by the consonant sound that originally intervened between “ο” and “ε”; a digamma is inferred. Compare “ἐπιειμένε”, A 149.—In construction, ἔνθα ... ἀπόερσε is the protasis of a past contrary to fact condition: ‘where the billow would have swept me away.’ The conditional force may be clearly seen if the idea be phrased thus: ‘I wish a whirlwind had carried me seaward, if the billows could have swept me away there before these deeds were done.’

[350] A present impossible wish, § 203; GG. 470 b.

[351] ‘Who were sensitive to the censure and repeated reproaches of men.’ The clause ὃς ᾔδει is equivalent, in construction, to the protasis of a present contrary to fact condition. Compare “ἔνθα ... ἀπόερσε” (l. 348).— Why is ὅς long? § 61.23.

[352] τούτῳ, § 121.

[353] τῷ, § 117.

ἐπαυρήσεσθαι, ‘will reap the fruits’; cf. A 410. Supply ‘of his witlessness’ after the infinitive.

[355] σὲ ... φρένας, § 180.

[357] ἐπὶ ... θῆκε, tmesis.

[361] ἐπέσσυται, ὄφρ᾽α) “κτλ.”, a solitary instance of this construction; usually “ἐπέσσυται” is followed by the infinitive.

[366] οἰκῆας, the ultima receives the ictus § 32). The word is best understood as = “οἰκέτας”.

[367] γάρ is a long syllable before “ϝοῖδα§ 61.23); is short § 25.1).

[368] δαμάουσιν, § 151.

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