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[289] ὦμον, construction, § 180.

[290] μιν ἀμφί, for “ἀμφί μιν”. Cf. § 168.

φόβηθεν, ‘fled. See note on Z 278.

[294] λιπετο, ‘was left,’ § 185.

[296] ὅμαδος κτλ., ‘incessant din arose.’

[297] The appropriateness of the simile is emphasized by the fact that the poet has already alluded to the Trojans as a ‘dark cloud’ (l. 66).

[298] κινήσῃ, ‘drives,’ ‘banishes’ with the wind.

299, 300. ‘And there shine forth all the outlooks and jutting peaks and the dells, and from heaven the vast ether shows through the riven clouds’ (literally ‘breaks forth beneath’).

Tennyson renders the parallel passage (8.557, 558): “And every height comes out, and jutting peak
And valley, and the immeasurable heavens
Break open to their highest.

ἔφανεν (l. 299) and ὑπερράγη (l. 300) are gnomic aorists § 184

[302] ἐρωή, ‘respite,’ cessation.’ See note on B 179.

[303] οὐ γάρ πώ τι, ‘for not yet in any degree.’

ὑπ᾽ Αχαιῶν, ‘driven by the Achaeans.’

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