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[510] ἐλυσθείς, ‘rolled up.’ “Low on earth” (Pope).

[523] κατακεῖσθαι, ‘to sleep,’ undisturbed.

[524] ‘For no good comes of’ etc.

[528] κακῶν, supply “ἕτερος μέν”, ‘the one.’

ἐάων, § 99.

[529] ‘To whomsoever Zeus gives of these, when he has mingled them’ (i. e. the good and the bad gifts).

τερπικέραυνος, § 59.—On this story of the jars is perhaps founded the Epimetheus-Pandora myth, that appears first in Hesiod, Works and Days, ll. 69-104.

[535] ἐπ᾽ί), ‘extending over,’ ‘among.’

[543] εἶναι, imperfect infinitive, ‘were.’

[544] ‘All the territory that Lesbos bounds’ (“ἐντὸς ἐέργει”).

ἄνω (limiting “ἐέργει”) = ‘upward,’ from the south, Lesbos being a southern boundary.

[545] καὶ Φρυγίη καθύπερθε, ‘and Phrygia on the east,’ according to a scholiast; the poet “bounds the kingdom of Priam on the south by Lesbos, on the east by Phrygia, and on the north by the Hellespont.”

[546] τῶν, the inhabitants of the region just defined, genitive (here only) with “κεκάσθαι”: ‘among people of this region you used to rank first, they say, in wealth and sons.’—On κεκάσθαι cf. “εἶναι” (l. 543).

[551] πρὶν καὶ κακὸν κτλ., cf. A 29. For the subjunctive cf. § 191.

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