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[68] τοι, often ‘to be sure,’ here little more than ‘well.’

κατ᾽ ... ἕζετο = Attic “ἐκαθέζετο.

τοῖσι, cf. l. 58.

[69] Θεστορίδης, composition, § 157.

[70] ᾔδει, § 61, § 23; 136, 10.

What makes ὅς a long syllable? § 37.— τὰ ἐόντα = Attic “τὰ ὄντα”, ‘the present’: τὰ ἐσσόμενα = “τὰ ἐσόμενα”, ‘the future’; τὰ πρὸ ἐόντα, ‘the past.’

τε ... τε ... τε, ‘both ... and ... and.’

[71] νήεσσι, form, § 101.

εἴσω, adverb, to be translated before Ἴλιον, which is an accusative of limit of motion.

[72] ‘By means of his seer's art, which Phoebus Apollo had given to him.’

ἥν, possessive adjective, § 113; not an Attic prose word.

τήν, relative, § 118.4.

οἱ, enclitic pronoun, § 110. Homer uses this word commonly as a personal pronoun, while in Attic Greek it is normally an indirect reflexive only.

[73] σφιν, enclitic pronoun, § 110.

[74] κέλεαι, form, § 142.1. Calchas felt himself bidden to speak on account of his preëminence among the seers; cf. l. 62.

μυθήσασθαι, ‘to interpret,’ ‘to explain.’

[75] Note that the ultima of Ἀπόλλωνος is long before ἑκατηβελέταο § 37). For declension of the latter word see § 65.

[76] ἐρέω, form, § 41.

σύνθεο, form, § 142.2, a.

ὄμοσσον, spelling, § 53.

[77] μέν § 31) = Attic “ μήν”, used in asseverations: ‘yea verily’ or ‘in very truth.’

πρόφρων, ‘with all your heart,’ agreeing with subject of “ὄμοσσον” (GG. 571), but belonging in sense with the understood subject (‘you’) of “ἀρήξειν.

ἔπεσιν ( § 91, § 50) καὶ χερσίν, ‘in word and in deed.’

[78] γὰρ κτλ., ‘for truly I think I shall enrage a man.’

χολωσέμεν, infinitive, § 137.2.

[79] Ἀργεΐων, ‘Argives,’ a third name for the Greeks, the other two being Δαναοί (l. 42) and “Ἀχαιοί.

Ἀργέιοι meant originally the people dwelling in “Ἄργος”, which at first seems to have indicated the plain of central Thessaly, neighboring to “Ἑλλάς”. But the name “Ἄργος” (or “Ἄργος Ἀχαιικόν”, as it is four times called) was early extended to the whole Peloponnesus. The Thessalian district is once called ‘Pelasgic Argos,’ in distinction (B 681).—The Ἀχαιοί once dwelt in southern Thessaly—in “Ἑλλάς” and “Φθίη”, apparently adjacent but distinct districts. The important fact is that the poets use these names (“Ἀργέιοι” and “Ἀχαιοί”) freely to indicate all the Greeks; while the name so used later—“Ἕλληνες”—stands in Homer for a single tribe only, that dwelt in “Ἑλλάς” (of southern Thessaly). Even of the Homeric Hellas the boundaries are indefinite, and traces of an application of the name more extended than its original use appear in late parts of the Homeric poems (I 447, 478, Od. 1.344, Od. 4.726, 816, Od. 15.80).

οἱ is dative singular, as is shown by the fact that it is enclitic: ‘him [in English, ‘whom’] the Achaeans obey.’

[80] κρείσσων, spelling, § 56.

βασιλεύς, supply “ἐστί”, as very often. —On omission of “ἄν” or “κε” with the present general protasis, see § 197.

χώσεται, subjunctive, § 144, II.

[81] ‘For even if he swallows his anger for that day, indeed, yet [“ἀλλά”] he keeps a grudge afterward in his heart, until he satisfies it.’

εἰ ...καταπέψῃ, in same construction as “χώσεται” (l. 80).

τε ... τε, not translatable, accompanying the general statement, as often in Homer.

[82] ὄφρα τελέσσῃ (spelling, § 52), present general protasis § 197).— ὄφρα is poetic only; the Attic equivalent here is “ἕως, μέχρι”, or a similar word.

[83] στήθεσσιν, declension, § 91, § 52.

ἑοῖσι, § § 113; 61, 6. Cf. “ἥν”, l. 72.

φράσαι εἰ, ‘consider whether.’

[85] θαρσήσας, ‘pluck up courage’; as the present of this verb indicates a state or condition, ‘to be courageous,’ the aorist may denote the entrance into that condition (GG. 464); this principle is frequently illustrated in the text of Homer.

μάλα, ‘surely,’ ‘without fail,’ strengthens εἰπέ. Account for the hiatus; § 61.16.

θεοπρόπιον, note that the last syllable, though short, receives the ictus; § 33.

οἶσθα, § 61.23.

[86] οὐ, translate the negative later with “τις” (l. 88), before which in fact it is repeated.

τε, the “τε” is not translatable, § 123.3: ‘by prayer to whom, Calchas, you reveal oracles to the Danaans.’

[88] ἐμεῦ § 110) ζῶντος ... δερκομένοιο, genitive absolute.

[89] σοί, after “ἐπί” in composition.

ἐποίσει, future of “ἐπι-φέρω.

κοίλῃς, cf. l. 26.

[90] Δαναῶν, partitive genitive with “οὔ τις” (l. 88).

Ἀγαμέμνονα εἴπῃς, account for the hiatus; § 61.16.

[91] πολλόν, ‘by far,’ declension, § 105.

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