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The allusion is to the fighting in Book XVII.

[3] ὀρθοκραιράων, ‘with upright horns,’ applicable not only to cattle, but also to Homeric ships, which seem to have had up-reaching bows and sterns, horn-like and of equal height.

[7] ἀτυζόμενοι πεδίοιο, ‘fleeing bewildered over the plain’; a similar genitive occurs 3.14, Z 507, etc.

[8] μὴ δή μοι κτλ., “may the gods not bring to pass—as I fear they may—bitter woes for my soul.” GMT. 261. Cf. B 195, 16.128.

[12] Achilles suspects the truth, as the poet said, l. 4.

[13] σχέτλιος, ‘persistent, fellow!’ or ‘my reckless comrade!’ § 170.

τ᾽ ἐκέλευον, ‘and yet I bade him,’ 16.87 ff.

[15] ἧος, Attic “ἕως”.

[19] μὴ ὤφελλε κτλ., a wish impossible of fulfilment.

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