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[183] Τριτογένεια: this epithet, best rendered ‘Tritogeneia,’ was not quite understood by the Greeks themselves. See note on B 103.

θυμῷ πρόφρονι, ‘in earnest.’

[188] The poet who describes this race can hardly have thought of the heroes as armed with the big, heavy shields.

[189] ὄρεσφι = “ἐν ὄρεσι” or “διὰ ὀρέων”.

[190] Homer uses “διὰ” with accusative where Attie Greek uses the genitive. Cf. note on B 57.

[192] ἀλλά, ‘yet’ the dog.

194-196. ‘And as often as he made for the Dardanian gate, to dash before it [i. e. ‘to take refuge’] under the well-built towers, in the hope that’ etc. “ὁρμάω” with the genitive is illustrated also in 4.335, “Τρώων ὁρμήσειε”, ‘make for the Trojans.’—It is possible, however, to understand ἀίξασθαι as complementary infinitive, so that the construction becomes, ‘and as often as he started to rush before the Dardanian gates’; then “πυλάων” would limit “ἀντίον”.—For Δαρδανιάων see note on B 809.

[196] οἱ, ‘from him.’

[197] ‘Just so often Achilles headed him off [“παραφθάς”] before [“προπάροιθεν”] he escaped, and drove him back [“ἀποστρέψασκε”] to the plain.’

[198] ποτὶ πτόλιος, ‘on the side of the city,’ i. e. on the inside.

[199] Cf.

Ac velut in somnis, oculos ubi languida pressit
nocte quies, nequiquam avidos extendere cursus
velle videmur, et in mediis conatibus aegri
auccidimus, non lingua valet, non corpore notae
sufficiunt vires, nec vox aut verba sequuntur:
sic Turno, quacumque viam virtute petivit,
cuccessum dea dira negat.

And as, when heavy sleep has clos'd the sight,
The sickly fancy labours in the night:
We seem to run; and destitute of force,
Our sinking limbs forsake us in the course:
In vain we heave for breath; in vain we cry:
The nerves unbrac'd their usual strength deny,
And on the tongue the faultering accents die:
So Turnus far'd, whatever means he try'd,
All force of arms, and points of art employ'd,
The fury flew athwart, and made th' endeavour void.


δύναται, supply “τις”.

[200] ... τόν ... , ‘the one’ ... ‘the other’ ... ‘the other.’

[201] , Achilles; τόν, Hector; οὐδ᾽ ὅς, ‘nor the latter’ (Hector).

[202] ‘How would Hector have escaped death’—not ultimately, of course, but—‘even up to this time unless’ etc.?

[205] ἀνένευε, ‘nodded “no.”’

[212] ἕλκε δὲ μέσσα λαβών, ‘and taking them [“τάλαντα”, the balances] by the middle, he raised them up.’ The heavier fate was the doomed one.

[213] ᾤχετο, subject, “αἴσιμον ἦμαρ”, i. e. “κήρ”.

[216] 217. νῶι ἔολπα ... οἴσεσθαι κτλ., ‘I think that we two shall carry off great glory’ etc.

[219] πεφυγμένον γενέσθαι, cf. Z 488.

220 μάλα πολλὰ πάθοι, ‘should give himself ever so much trouble.’

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