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[77] ἠμαθόεντος, formation, § 35, § 159.

[80] Protasis of past contrary to fact—or “unreal past”—condition (GG. 649).

ἔνισπεν, second aorist of “ἐνέπω”, ‘tell.’

[81] ‘We should call it a deceit [on the part of an unfriendly god], and should retire rather’ than credit it; i. e. should turn our backs upon it On this use of the potential optative see § 207.

[82] νῦν δ᾽έ), like A 417.

[84] ἔξ, why accented? § 166.

[86] σκηπτοῦχοι βασιλῆες, see note on A 234.

ἐπεσσεύοντο, on double “ς” see § 39.

[87] ἠύτε, ‘even as’; see note on A 359.

εἶσι, sometimes, as here, has a present meaning in Homer (not future, as in Attic).

μελισσάων, spelling, § 56.

ἁδινάων, a word of uncertain derivation: ‘restless,’ ‘murmuring.’ Here, ‘murmuring bees’; for other shades of meaning see notes on 16.481, 18.124, 316.

[88] αἰεὶ νέον ἐρχομενάων, ‘always pouring forth anew’; ‘with ever fresh flights.’

[89] ἐπ᾽ ἄνθεσιν would be “ἐπ᾽ ἄνθη” (accusative) in Attic prose.

εἰαρινοῖσιν, formation, § 35.

[90] αἳ μέν ... αἳ δέ, translate as in Attic (GG. 549 a).

-τε marks the general character of the statement.

πεποτήαται, form, § 142.4, a; meaning, § 187.

[91] τῶν, an important word, ‘of them.’ the Achaeans.

[93] ὄσσα δεδήει (“δαίω”, on tense, § 188), ‘rumor was ablaze,’ spread like fire.

[95] τετρήχει (tense, § 188), “ταράσσω”.

[96] σφεας, enclitic pronoun, § 110; to be read as one syllable, § 43.

[98] σχοίατ᾽ο), syntax, § 198. 1. So, too, ἀκούσειαν.

[99] σπουδῇ = Attic “μόγις.

ἐρήτυθεν, Attic ending? § 136.8.

[103] ἀργεϊφόντῃ, epithet of Hermes: this may scarcely be translated ‘slayer of Argus,’ for Homer does not show any knowledge of the story of Io, which was probably later. In fact. “διάκτορος ἀργεϊφόντης” belongs to a list of holy formulas, not in every instance clearly understood by the Greeks themselves, but probably inherited from very ancient ritual songs. Others are: “πότνια Ἥρη, νεφεληγερέτα Ζεύς, δῖα θεάων, δοτῆρες ἐάων, Ἑρμείας ἀκάκητα, κυδίστη Τριτογένεια”. It has been suggested that ‘the bright-appearing’ (cf. “ἀργής” and “φαίνω”) was possibly the original sense of ‘argeïphontes.’

[104] Ἑρμείας, ending, § 66.

[106] Thyestes was a brother of Atreus and after the latter's death succeeded to the kingship during the minority of Agamemnon.

[107] Θυέστ᾽α), § 67; = “Θυέστης.

φορῆναι, form, § 131; syntax, § 211.

[108] Ἄργεϊ παντί, the whole Peloponnesus. See note on A 79.

ἀνάσσειν, in same construction as “φορῆναι”.

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