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See note on T 1.

πεφυζότες, ‘panic-stricken’; cf. “φύζα”, I 2.

[7] Φοῖβος Ἀπόλλων, who had assumed the likeness of Trojan Agenor (as related 21.600).

[9] αὐτὸς θνητὸς ἐών agrees with the subject of “διώκεις” (l. 8); θεὸν ἄμβροτον, with the object “με” (l. 8). ‘And have you not even yet discovered [me = “με”, an instance of prolepsis] that I am a god?’ asks Apollo in derision.

[11] Another taunting question: ‘really now, are you not at all interested in the battle with the Trojans, whom you have routed?’

Τρώων πόνος = “τὸ κατὰ τῶν Τρώων ἔργον” (scholium). “Τρώων” seems to be objective genitive.

[12] ἄλεν, εἴλω.

[13] τοι μόρσιμος, ‘at your hand doomed to die.’

[16] κτλ., ‘else surely’ etc.

[19] τίσιν, accusative of “τίσις”.

[20] τισαίμην ... παρείη, probably both verbs would be imperfect indicatives in Attic Greek § 207.1), as protasis and apodosis of a present contrary to fact condition.

[21] μέγα φρονέων, ‘in high spirits.’

[22] Note quantity of ultima of σευάμενος.—Regularly two horses draw the Homeric chariot; to one of such a pair Achilles is compared.

[23] τιταινόμενος πεδίοιο, ‘stretching over the plain’ § 171), i. e. galloping at full speed.

[24] λαιψηρά, for “λαιψηρῶς”.

[26] πεδίοιο, as in l. 23.

[27] ώς τ᾽ ἀστέῤ (l. 26), ὅς ῥα κτλ., ‘like the star that rises in the late summer-time.’

ὀπώρης, genitive of “time within which.”

[30] τέτυκται = “ἐστί”.

[31] Imitated by Vergil,

Sirius ardor,
Ille sitim morbosque ferens mortalibus aegris.

‘The heat of Sirius—that brings thirst and plagues to wretched men.’

[34] ἀνασχόμενος, object understood, “χεῖρας.

ἐγεγώνει (from “γέγωνα”), ‘he called out.’

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