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It is a custom in Rome for the knights, when [p. 211] they have completed the regular term of service in the army, to lead their horses into the Forum, one at a time, before the two men whom they call censors, and after enumerating their campaigns and the generals under whom they served, to receive such commendation or censure as is fitting. Pompey, who was then consul, with his own hand led his horse before the censors, Gellius and Lentulus, and when they asked him, in conformity with the custom, whether he had served all his campaigns, he replied, ‘Yes, all, and under myself as commander-in-chief.’ 1

1 Cf. Plutarch's Life of Pompey, chap. xxii. (630 A).

load focus Greek (Gregorius N. Bernardakis, 1889)
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