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When the Argives entered the Theban alliance, 1 ambassadors of the Athenians arrived at Arcadia and accused both nations; and when Callistratus, the chief speaker, held up Orestes and Oedipus as a reproach to their respective cities, Epameinondas, rising to reply, said, ‘We admit that we have had a parricide among us, and the Argives a matricide; but we expelled from our land those who did these deeds, and the Athenians received them ί2

1 In 370 B.C.

2 Cf. Moralia, 810 F, and Cornelius Nepos, Epaminondas, xv. 6. 1-3.

load focus Greek (Gregorius N. Bernardakis, 1889)
load focus Greek (Frank Cole Babbitt, 1931)
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