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“Now it is clear that lack of self-control is not a vice —though in a way perhaps it is, for it may or may not be deliberate; all the same the result is similar, as in the line of Demodocus on the Milesians:1

<Thus also spake Demodocus —> The Milesians are not dolts, but they behave like dolts;

in the same way, the uncontrolled may not be knaves, but they behave like knaves.

Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics

“Demodocus: —

Thus also spake Demodocus —The Chians are bad men, not one bad and another not, but all save Procles, and Procles is a Chian.2

Palatine Anthology

1 cf. Aspas. ad loc. , Plut. de Flum. 18 (?)

2 cf. Phocyl. i, which is perh. a parody in answer to D.'s attack on the Milesians (fr. 1)

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