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“Epicharmus:—Son of Tityrus, or Chimarus, and Secis, of Syracuse, or of Crastus a city of the Sicanians, inventor, along with Phormus,1 of comedy at Syracuse. He produced fifty-two plays... He was staging dramas at Syracuse six years before the Persian War.

I am a corpse and a corpse is dirt, and dirt earth; but if the earth is a God, a God am I and not a corpse.2

For the Elegiac Poems ascribed to Bacchylides see Lyra Graeca iii p. 220.

Suidas Lexicon “For nothing ever is, but is always becoming. And all the wise, one after another, except Parmenides, shall agree in this, Protagoras, Heracleitus, Empedocles, and the greatest poets in either kind, Epicharmus in comedy, Homer in tragedy.” Plato Theaetetus “(1) That is, in the rubbish on the ground; (2) That is, in the dung-heap; and what is more, there is an inscription attributed to Epicharmus which says:” Scholiast on the Iliad [‘He besought them all, casting himself down in the dirt’]

1 called Phormis by Arist. Poet. 1449b. 5

2 prob. spurious

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