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“The cities in these islands are Ionian, Samos off Mycala and Chios opposite Mimas. According to the Epic poems of Asius son of Amphiptolemus of Samos, Phoenix had by Perimeda daughter of Oeneus two daughters, Astypalaea and Europa, etc.” Pausanias Description of Greece: “Being very desirous to know what children Polycaon had by Messena, I have perused the Eoiai as they are called and the Epic of Naupactus, and also the genealogic poems of Cinaethon and Asius.” Pausanias Description of Greece “With regard to the luxury of the Samians, Duris in his History adduces the poems of Asius to prove that they wore armlets, etc.” Athenaeus Doctors at Dinner

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