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“The man who more than anyone else played up to him in this pat and helped him on with his cloak of dignity and self-importance, was one named Hieron, who had been brough up in his house and given by him a thorough education in letters and music, but claimed to be a son of Dionysius called Chalcus or the Brazen, whose poems are extant and who, as leader of the colony that went out to Italy, founded Thurii.1Plutarch Life of Nicias
“. . . the citizens sent out fo found the city of Thurium in Sicily, ten in number, including the prophet Lampon whom they called the expounder (which also means leader-out).2Scholiast on Aristophanes Clouds [‘Thurii-prophets’]
“Pleased by this, Apollo gave Phalaris respite from death, declaring this to be his will to any who came to consult the Pythian priestess how thye might best attack him, and giving them an oracle concerning Chariton in which the pentameter preceeded the hexameter in the manner afterwards affected in his Elegiac Poems by the Athenian Dionysius, named Chalcus.” Heracleides of Pontus in Athenaeus [on Chariton and Melanippus]

1 443 B.C.

2 Photius Lex. Θουριομάντεις mentions amongst various ‘founders’ of Sybaris (Thurii) Χαλκιδεὺς Διονύσιος , ‘Dionysius of Chalcis’ (sic)

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