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“Pigres:—A Carian of Halicarnassus, brother of the Artemisia who was so famous in the wars.1 He inserted an elegiac (pentameter) after each line of the Iliad, thus:

Sing thou the wrath, O Goddess, of Peleus' off-spring Achilles,
Thine are the bounds which hold, Muse, all the ends of our art.

He also wrote the Margites and the Battle of Frogs and Mice , attributed to Homer.

Suidas Lexicon
“In his account of the battle of Salamis he spends more words upon Artemisia than he does on the whole battle; and lastly at Plataea he says that the Greeks sat still, and knew no more of the fight till it was over than if it had been a battle of frogs and mice like that described in a burlesque poem by Artemisia's brother Pigres; for they had agreed, he says, to fight in silence lest the others should hear them; and he makes the Spartans show themselves no better than the Barbarians in valour, but win a victory over naked and unarmed men.” Plutarch The Malignity of Herodotus

1 the mss add ‘wife of Mausolus,’ which cannot be right

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load focus Greek (J. M. Edmonds, 1931)
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