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“ The tragic poet Aeschylus was by birth an Athenian, of the deme of Eleusis, son of Euphorion and brother of Cynegeirus, by descent a Eupatrid. He began writing his tragedies young, and far surpassed his predecessors in the style of his poetry and in stage-craft, in the splendour of the staging, the dress of the actors, and the dignity of the chorus; compare Aristophanes :

O first in Greece at the building of lofty rhyme and the decking-out of tragic gibble-gabble!

Frogs 1004
He was contemporary with Pindar, his birth falling in the 63rd Olympiad (528-5 B.C.).. He lived sixty-nine years, during which he wrote seventy dramas as well as about five satyr-plays. His victories were, in all, thirteen, and some he won after his death.

Life of Aeschylus

“From the time when the Athenians fought and won the battle of Marathon against the Persians under Artaphernes nephew of Darius and his general Datis, 227 years, in the archonship of the second Phaenippides at Athens; in which battle the poet Aeschylus took part at the age of thirty-five (490 B.C.).” Parian Chronicle
“From the time when the poet Aeschylus first won the victory for tragedy 222 years, in the archonship of Philocrates at Athens (486 B.C.).” Parian Chronicle
“From the time when the poet Aeschylus died at the age of sixty-nine at Gela in Sicily 193 years, in the archonship of the first Callias at Athens (456 B.C.).” Parian Chronicle

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load focus Greek (J. M. Edmonds, 1931)
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