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May 2.

The battle of Chancellorsville, or the “Wilderness,” Va., between the Union forces, under Major-General Hooker, and the rebels, under Gen. Lee, commenced this day.--(Doc. 183.)

After repulsing the rebel force under General Marmaduke, at Cape Girardeau, on the twenty-sixth ultimo, General McNeil, with a much inferior force, immediately started in pursuit, and chasing them from point to point, finally came up with them to-day at Chalk Bluff, on the St. Francois, and drove them across the river into Arkansas, thus ending Marmaduke's rebel raid into Missouri.--(Doc. 177.)

The Union cavalry force, under Colonel Grierson, arrived at Baton Rouge, La., to-day, after a raid of fifteen days through the State of Mississippi. They had several skirmishes with parties of rebels, defeating them at every encounter; they destroyed bridges, camps, equipages, etc.; swam several rivers, captured a number of prisoners and horses, and obtained a large amount of important information concerning the rebel resources.--(Doc. 170.)

A reconnoissance in force was this day made to the river Nansemond, Va., by a large body of Union troops, under the command of General Getty, supported by the gunboat Smith Briggs. The rebels were discovered in strong force, and an artillery fight was kept up all day, but without any material results.

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