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June 1, 1863.

Major-General Banks, at Port Hudson, La., issued an order forbidding the passage of steamers from New York past the quarantine at New Orleans, without a special order, unless they should be mail steamers or others transporting stores for the Government. This regulation was made necessary by the continued “refusal to transport the soldiers' mails, except upon inadmissible conditions.” The provost-marshal was charged with the execution of the order.--an expedition into Tappahannock, Va., was made by a party of Union soldiers, who succeeded in destroying a large quantity of stores belonging to the rebels, besides carrying off a number of negroes.--Richmond Enquirer, June 6.

At Philadelphia, Pa., a meeting was held to protest against the arrest of C. L. Vallandigham. Judge Ellis Lewis was appointed chairman, and speeches were made by Messrs. Bigler, Biddle, and Charles J. Ingersoll. The latter counselled obedience to the laws and the constitutional authorities, but resistance to any attempt to control the elections.--Governor David Tod, of Ohio, appeared before the Court of Common Pleas of Fairfield County, in obedience to his recognizance, to answer the charges filed against him by Dr. Edson B. Olds, when the case was continued to the next term of the court.

A good deal of publicity has been given to a rumor that General Lee is preparing for a forward movement, from which the newspapers in the United States infer that it is only a ruse to cover a demonstration in some other quarter, since they affect to believe that we would be more reticent if an advance were really in contemplation. The month of June, upon which we have this day entered, will unravel the mystery. In the mean time, the confederate army and people can well afford to possess their souls in patience, and to leave their cause in the hands of that kind Providence which has guided us thus far through this bloody wilderness.--Savannah Republican.

An expedition, under the command of Colonel James Montgomery, ascended the Combahee River, S. C., and succeeded in destroying a large quantity of rebel stores and other property.--(Doc. 1.)

The bombardment of Vicksburgh continued. All the guns in position opened fire at midnight, and continued their fire until daylight this morning. After a short cessation the firing was renewed, and kept up all day.--the second party of recalcitrants left St. Louis for the South. They numbered seventeen, among whom were the wife and two daughters of Trusten Polk.

A large meeting, to procure funds to send supplies to the wounded at Vicksburgh, was held at Chicago, Ill., at which nearly six thousand dollars were raised.--the schooner Echo was captured yesterday, in the Gulf of Mexico, by the United States steamer Sunflower.--A fight took place at Clinton, La., between the Union forces under the command of Colonel Grierson, and the rebel forces stationed in that town, resulting in the loss of twenty-one killed and wounded of the rebels, and a number of the Nationals.

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