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July 16.

The United States War Department received from William H. Aspinwall, of New York, a present of his check for twenty-five thousand two hundred and ninety dollars and sixty cents, as his share of profit on a contract for arms purchased by Howland & Aspinwall, and sold to the Government. The Secretary of War ordered “that the check be transferred to the Secretary of the Treasury, and that the thanks of the Department be rendered to Mr. Aspinwall for the proof he has furnished of the disinterested and patriotic spirit that animates the citizens of the United States in the present contest against treason and rebellion, giving assurance that a government supported by citizens who thus prefer the public welfare to their private gain, must overcome its enemies.”

Gen. Halleck, on retiring from the command of the army of the Mississippi, issued an address to the troops, expressing his high appreciation of the endurance, bravery, and soldierly conduct which they had exhibited on all occasions during the campaign.

The British schooner Agnes was captured off Abaco Island, by the United States steamer Huntsville, commanded by Lieut. Rogers.--Official Report.

Governor Pierpont, of Virginia, issued a proclamation calling upon the people to furnish the State's quota of troops, under the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand men. To aid the work, he desired the Senators and members of the House of Delegates to act as agents in procuring volunteers in their respective districts.

Yesterday John B. Clarke, of the rebel Senate, addressed a letter to G. W. Randolph, the rebel Secretary of War, inquiring whether the Partisan Rangers were to be considered as belonging to the rebel army, and whether the rebel government would not claim for them the same treatment as prisoners which was exacted for prisoners of war; and to-day the Secretary replied that partisan rangers were a part of the provisional army of the States in rebellion, and were subject to all the regulations adopted for its government, and entitled to the same protection as prisoners of war.--(See Supplement.)

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