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March 14.

Newbern, N. C., garrisoned by the Ninety-second New York volunteers, under the command of Colonel Anderson, was this day at tacked by a large rebel force, under General Pettigrew. After a bombardment of four hours duration, a fleet of gunboats appeared opposite the city, and opening on the rebels dispersed them in great haste.--(Doc. 137.)

Brigadier-General B. S. Roberts, in command of the defences of the Upper Potomac, issued orders regulating the trade between Maryland and Virginia.--The Loyal National League, of New York City, was inaugurated at the Academy of Music in that city.--New York Evening Post.

[55] The rebel batteries at Port Hudson, La., were attacked by the Union fleet, under Admiral Farragut; but, after a terrible bombardment of several hours' duration, they were compelled to retire without reducing the rebel stronghold.--(Doc. 138.)

A force of National cavalry, under the command of Colonel Robert H. G. Minty, returned to Murfreesboro, Tenn., after a successful reconnoissance, of eleven days duration, into the surrounding country. They dispersed several squads of guerrillas, captured fifty prisoners, forty mules, thirty tents, a number of wagons, and provisions, and obtained some valuable information concerning the position and strength of the rebel forces.--Louisville Journal.

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