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June 13.

This day a force of about three hundred rebel troops left Fort Chapman, and proceeded to Hutchinson Island, S. C., where they killed and wounded a number of negroes, and burned a chapel and dwelling-house. On the approach of the boats of the United States ship Dale, lying in St. Helena Sound, the rebels retreated. About seventy negroes were taken on board the Dale, including several of the wounded.--(Doc. 69.)

Colonel James R. Slack, commanding at Memphis, Tenn., issued the following order:

Hereafter the dealing in and passage of currency known as “confederate scrip” or “confederate notes” is positively prohibited, and the use thereof as a circulating medium regarded as an insult to the Government of the United States, and an imposition upon the ignorant and deluded.

“All persons offending against the provisions of this order will be promptly arrested and severely punished by the military authorities.”

The Bank of Louisiana, at New Orleans, being ordered by the Provost-Judge to pay a citizen in current funds his deposit formerly received by them in confederate notes, the Bank appealed to General Butler, who sustained the decision of the Judge.--Congress passed a joint resolution of thanks to Lieut. Morris and the other officers and men of the United States frigate Cumberland.

The pickets of Gen. McClellan's army near Richmond were driven in from Old Church, and large bodies of the rebels were discovered moving from the neighborhood of Mechanicsville bridge and Richmond towards the battle-field of Fair Oaks.--(Doc. 67.)

At daylight this morning the rebels opened a sharp fire of artillery in front of Gen. Sumner's position, in the vicinity of Richmond, which continued three hours, killing one and wounding another of the National troops.

The United States flag was this day raised in the village of Gretna, La., amid the rejoicings of a large number of spectators. After the ceremony a series of patriotic resolutions were unanimously passed.

The rebel transport Clara Dolsen was captured on the White River, Arkansas, by the tug Spitfire.--(Doc. 70.)

A fight took place on James Island, S. C., between a body of Union troops and a much superior force of the rebels, resulting in the retreat of the rebels with a loss of nineteen killed and six wounded. The Union party lost three killed and nineteen wounded.--Official Report.

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