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June 2.

Jacksonport, Arkansas, was visited by a rebel gunboat, commanded by Capt. Fry. After throwing a few shot and shell on the camp-ground just vacated by the Ninth Illinois cavalry, she dropped alongside the wharf-boat and destroyed all the cotton and molasses to be found.--Jacksonport Cavalier Extra, June 7.

An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Columbia, Tennessee, at which speeches were delivered by Niell Brown and Andrew Johnson, with great applause.--The First regiment of Fire Zouaves, N. Y.S. V., were mustered out of service at Governor's Island.--General John A. Dix assumed command of Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, Va.--General Banks recrossed the Potomac and occupied Bunker Hill, Virginia.

Mass meetings were held at Memphis, Tenn., yesterday and to-day. Addresses were made by Jeff. Thompson and others. Resolutions were adopted never to surrender voluntarily. Though Memphis had already seventy-two companies in the field, every man capable of bearing arms was called upon to repair forthwith to Fort Pillow. A committee was appointed to collect men, money, and arms.--Memphis Argus, June 2.

Two boats belonging to the United States bark Kingfisher, of the blockading squadron off Saint Marks, Florida, were captured as they were proceeding up the Ocilla River for water, by a party of rebels on shore. Two of the boats' crew were killed, two wounded, and the rest made prisoners.--New Bedford Mercury, June 23.

Parker Spring, superintending the construction of United States Military telegraph lines, gave an account, in a letter to the Lancaster (Pa.) Express, of the services of the Morse telegraph to the army, and of General McClellan's use of it.--(Doc. 129.)

A party of National scouts captured the mate and six seamen belonging to the rebel gunboat Beauregard, at a point nearly opposite Fulton, Missouri.

Edward L. Pierce, Special Agent of the Treasury Department of the United States, made a report concerning the condition of the freedmen of South-Carolina.--The Union forces under Major-Gen. Hunter, operating against Charleston, S. C., this day landed on James Island, under cover of the gunboats, without opposition.

To~day the Union fleet of gunboats (eight vessels) moved up the James River from their former position at City Point, toward the rebel batteries below Richmond, Va. When some distance up, they got aground; the rebels appeared on a bluff on the opposite shore and fired into the fleet, which returned the fire and the rebels dispersed. At flood-tide the fleet backed off and dropped down the stream.

A slight skirmish took place near Washington, N. C., between a small scouting party, composed of a sergeant and six men of Mix's New York cavalry, and a force of rebel infantry, resulting in the capture by the rebels of three of the Union party.--Gen. Sigel was placed in command at Harper's Ferry, Va.

A fight took place on the road between Strasburgh and Staunton, Va., between a portion of the Union army under Gen. Fremont and the rebels under Gen. Jackson, resulting in the defeat of the latter. The rebels in the retreat burned the bridge after they had crossed the Shenandoah River at Mount Jackson.--(Doc. 53.)

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