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The aorist participle does not always denote time prior to that of the leading verb, but often the same time. E. g. A 148, “ὑπόδρα ἰδὼν προσέφη”, ‘with a sullen look he addressed.’ A 596, “μειδήσα_σα ... ἐδέξατο ... κύπελλον”, ‘with a smile she took the cup.’

So too when the participle stands in a construction after the verb: A 380 f., “τοῖο δ᾽ Ἀπόλλων

εὐξαμένου ἤκουσεν”, ‘and Apollo heard him as he prayed.’ B 182, “ξυνέηκε θεᾶς ὄπα φωνησα?σης”, ‘he heard the voice of the goddess as she spoke.’
Note that in all these instances the aorist emphasizes the single act.

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