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Allied to contraction is Synizesis (Greek “συνίζησις”, ‘settling together’). This occurs when two neighboring vowels, regularly pronounced separately, must be pronounced as one syllable, to suit the meter. E. g. A 1, “-εω” (of “Πηληιάδεω”) must be pronounced as one syllable (but cf. § 68). So too A 15, “-έῳ” (of “χρυ_σέῳ”). A 18, “θεοί”. A 131, “δὴ οὕτως”. A 340, “δὴ αὖτε”. A 540, “δὴ αὖ”. For the last three examples the MSS. read, respectively, “δ᾽ οὕτως, δ᾽ αὖτε, δ᾽ αὖ”, readings which perhaps had better be retained, if “δ᾽”=“δέ”=“δή§ 31).

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