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§ 137. Active Infinitive Endings, including Aorist Passive:

1. a. “-έμεναι” and “-ειν” occur in the thematic inflection. E. g. A 151, “ἐλθέμεναι” (= “ἐλθεῖν”). A 277, “ἐριζέμεναι” (= “ἐρίζειν”). A 60, “ἀπονοστήσειν”.

b. “-μεναι” is found in the non-thematic inflection. E. g. A 98, “δόμεναι” (= Attic “δοῦναι”). A 187, “ὁμοιωθήμεναι” (= “ὁμοιωθῆναι”, aorist passive).

2. -έμεν and -μεν, shortened forms of the preceding endings, are common. Before words beginning with a vowel they may be regarded as elided forms (and written “-έμεν᾽ , -μεν̓”) E. g. A 78, “χολωσέμεν” (or “χολωσέμεν̓”). A 323, “ἀγέμεν” (“ἄγειν”) A 283, “μεθέμεν” (Attic “μεθ-εῖναι”), second aorist of “μεθίημι”.

3. -ναι is found after long vowels and diphthongs. E. g A 134, “ἀποδοῦναι”. A 226, “θωρηχθῆναι” (aorist passive). See 7, below.

4. A wrongly formed ending -έειν appears in some second aorists. E. g. B 414, “βαλέειν” (= “βαλεῖν”). 3.236, “ἰδέειν” (= “ἰδεῖν”).

5. -σαι (also -αι after liquids) of the first aorist active occurs as in Attic. E. g. A 19, “ἐκπέρσαι”. A 67, “ἀμῦναι”. H 261, “κτεῖναι”.

6. The forms of the present infinitive of “εἰμί” are: “ἔμμεναι” (for “ἐσ-μεναι”), “ἔμεναι, ἔμμεν, ἔμεν, εἶναι”.

7. The infinitives of “εἶμι” are: “ἴμεναι, ἴμεν, ἰέναι” (the only in finitive in “-έναι”).

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