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subitarum. Cf. xiii.617 n. This generally accepted reading was first adopted by Heinsius in place of the more common dubiarum. [I am not sure of this correction. Ovid himself calls them swan-like, but not swans, and so Lycophron 597, “κύκνοισιν ἰνδαλθέντες εὐγλήνοις δορήν”. But Pliny, H.N. X. 126, describes them as fulicarum similes; Servius on Aen.XI. 271 as identical with the Greek “ἐρωδιοί”, and so Schol. Ven. on Il.V. 412, and Antigonus, Hist. Mirab. 172. Their form was therefore, in the truest sense of the term, doubtful. R. E.]. Ehwald retains dubiarum.

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