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sceptrum, the staff or baton which was a general sign of regal authority (as at Rome of consular the “scipio eburneus” of Liv.v. XLI. 9), especially when the king was acting as judge ( Virg. Aen.VII. 246, Hom. Il.I. 238), and the lifting up of which was a solemn pledge of truth, Arist. Pol.III. 14, “ δ᾽ ὅρκος ἦν τοῦ σκήπτρου ἐπανάτασις” (cf. Hom. Il.X. 321). It was also borne by chiefs or by princesses, as Aeneas gives to Dido ( Aen.I. 653) a sceptrum which had belonged to Ilione, Priam's eldest daughter. Livy records the presentation of such with other gifts to Masinissa and Eumenes (xxx. XV. 11, XLII. xiv. 10).

nepoti, Ascanius.

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