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Tyrrhenia tota. Korn refers this to the Rutulians as allied with Mezentius, king of Caere, Latio to the united forces of Latins and Trojans. There are several objections to this. Ovid is following the narrative of Virgil, in which the Latins, against the wishes and better judgment of their king, join the Rutulians. And though Mezentius brings to the Rutulians the aid of 1,000 men, he is at the time in exile, and his subjects, or, as Virgil expresses it, omnis Etruria ( Aen.VIII. 494), with the exception of a contingent under Messapus (ib. VII. 691-705), join Aeneas. Moreover, while the Trojans, who were in small numbers, and had no other allies save the few men sent by Evander, might well be included under the ingentis populos opulentaque regnis castra of Etruria (ib. VIII. 475), the force of Mezentius is introduced as a single foreign element in the composite host of Italian races led by Turnus (ib. VII. 647). Ehwald adopts this view.

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