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hinc, sc. from Caieta, 157. For the island of Circe cf. 10 n.

est. The MSS. have, hincsome (not M) videnda est. Korn, whom Ehwald does not follow, rejects hinc . . . tuque as a gloss on 247, so connecting procul with fuge litora Circes. Zingerle reads haec . . . videnda est. [Procul hinc mihi crede with mihi following in 245 looks wrong; but several of Heinsius' MSS. give procul hinc tibi, and this admits of an easy interpretation. Ovid seems to play on the meaning of procul hinc: ‘You discern you island in the distance; in the distance, believe me (and not near), must you still see that island, which I have seen with my eyes (or, actually).’ Cf. the use of “μακρὰν ἀπῳκεῖτο” in Soph. O. T. 998, as explained by Jebb. Macareus is advised to let the distant view he has of Circe's island remain distant still, and not to endanger his life by a nearer familiarity. R.E. ].

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    • Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, 998
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