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Triton, son of Neptune and Amphitrite, who assists his father in the government of the sea, especially by the use of his trumpet, as after Deucalion's flood, I. 331-42. The name is also given to a race of sea-monsters. The people of Tanagra were so fortunate as to catch one, which was in the habit of attacking their flocks and boats, by the simple device of leaving a bowl of wine on the beach, and cutting off the head of the beast as it lay in drunken sleep. Pausanias, who had seen at Rome a smaller specimen, was thus enabled to give a particular description (ix. 21, § 1). He mentions especially the green hair, in colour and arrangement resembling the leaves of “βατράχιον” (frog-wort).

Palaemon. Ino, daughter of Cadmus and wife of Athamas, in madness inflicted by Juno threw herself with her son Melicertes into the sea. Both were changed by Neptune at the prayer of Venus into marine deities (iv. 542), when they received the new names of Leucothea and Palaemon. Cf. 588 n.

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