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[19] Sometimes a fictitious statement is employed either to stir the emotions of the judges, as in that passage of the proo Roscio Amerino1 dealing with Chrysogonus to which I referred just recently, or to entertain them with a show of wit, as in the passage of the pro Cluentio2 describing the brothers Caepasius: sometimes again a digression may be introduced to add beauty to the speech, as in the passage about Proserpine in the Verrines,3 beginning “It was here that a mother is once said to have sought her daughter.” All these examples serve to show that he who denies a charge may not necessarily refrain from stating, but may actually state that very fact which he denies.

[p. 61]

1 xxii. 60.

2 xx. 57 sqq.

3 IV. 48. The words quoted do not occur in our MSS of Cicero.

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