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[30] For example, Cyrus,1 in Xenophon, in that discourse which he delivered when he was very old and on his death-bed, says that he had never felt that his old age was any less vigorous than his youth had been. I remember that in my boyhood I saw Lucius Metellus, who, four years after his second consulship, became Chief Pontiff and held that sacred office for twenty-two years, and I recall that he enjoyed such great vigour of body to the end of his days that he did not feel the loss of youth. I need say nothing of myself in this connexion, though to do so is an old man's privilege and permitted to one of my age.

1 Cyrus the Elder, Xen. Cyropaedia, viii. 7. 6. But other authorities (Herod. i. 24, Lucian, Charon, 30) say that Cyrus died in battle with the Scythians.

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