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[503] ‘Wright and Parke should both be directed to feel for a chance to get through to the enemy's line at once, and if they can get through, should push on to-night. All our batteries might be opened at once, without waiting for preparing assaulting columns. Let the corps commanders know the result on the left, and that it is still being pushed.’

At the same time he sent word to the President, waiting anxiously in the adjutant-general's hut at City Point, for news from his armies: better news he got that night than ever before, in four long years; news to warm his patriotic heart at last, before it was chilled for ever. ‘I have just heard,’ said Grant, ‘from Sheridan. He has carried everything before him. . . . He has captured three brigades of infantry and a train of wagons, and is now pushing up his success. I have ordered everything else to advance and prevent a concentration of the enemy against Sheridan.’ This idea was constantly in his mind, and appeared in every dispatch—to prevent concentration against Sheridan.

To Ord also he said: ‘I have just heard from Sheridan. . . . Everything the enemy has will probably be pushed against him. Get your men up, and feel the enemy to see if he shows signs of giving way;’ and, a little later, he telegraphed to Weitzel, north of the James: ‘I have directed Colonel Bowers to send you the report of Sheridan's success this afternoon. I have since ordered an attack to-night and pursuit. Communicate the result to your troops. Be ready also to push any wavering that may be shown in your front.’

All was bustle and business now. The replies

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