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Chapter 33:

  • News of the battle of Five Forks
  • -- Grant orders assaults on Petersburg -- spirit of commanders -- Lethargy of Lee -- Wright carries rebel line-parke carries outer line -- Ord and Humphreys penetrate line in their front -- Grant enters enemy's works -- enthusiasm of troops -- Grant faces Meade's command eastward and envelops Petersburg -- rebel army falling back in great confusion -- fighting in front of Parke -- Longstreet brought from north side of James -- capture of Fort Gregg -- Sheridan's movements on left -- miles's battle at Sutherland station -- final success of miles-sheridan pursues the enemy to the Appomattox -- correspondence with Sherman -- Grant's dispositions on night of April 2nd -- Lee orders all troops to Amelia court—house -- object of Lee -- evacuation of Petersburg -- entrance of national troops -- orders of Grant to intercept Lee -- Grant's entry into Petersburg -- interview with Lincoln -- departure of Grant for Appomattox valley -- fall of Richmond -- conduct of Davis and Lee-misery of inhabitants -- withdrawal of garrison -- firing of city -- night of April 2nd -- entrance of Weitzel -- Richmond saved by national soldiers.

On the night of the battle of Five Forks Grant was still at Dabney's saw-mill, expecting intelligence from Sheridan. Before him stretched in the darkness the forces of Ord and Meade, in front of the works which had withstood them so long. As far as the national lines extended, they still found themselves facing an enemy, and even when Grant had detached a portion of his command, Lee also divided his army. But this last act of the rebel chief had precipitated, and in reality assisted, the development of Grant's plans, and the national leader now only waited for news from the left, in order to attack the weakened front of his adversary. During the afternoon

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U. S. Grant (10)
Fitz Hugh Lee (5)
Warren Sheridan (2)
E. O. C. Ord (2)
Meade (2)
Wright (1)
G. Weitzel (1)
William T. Sherman (1)
John G. Parke (1)
J. Longstreet (1)
Abraham Lincoln (1)
James (1)
A. A. Humphreys (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
W. Dabney (1)
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