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No serious stand was made after the line was broken, and the rebels took to flight in great disorder. Nearly six thousand prisoners fell into Sheridan's hands, and six pieces of artillery, and the fugitives were driven north and westward. Some rushed off by the Ford road, to encounter Crawford and Mackenzie, while those who fled by the White Oak road were followed by Griffin, and afterwards by Merritt's cavalry.

Sheridan, meanwhile, had been greatly exasperated by the deflection of Crawford at a critical moment of the battle, and by Warren's absence from the key-point; he sent officer after officer to Crawford to direct him to return to the fight, and officer after officer to Warren to say that he wished to see him. In the confusion of the battle and the constant changes of position, Warren could not be found, and Sheridan finally sent him an order relieving him from command. This was received by Warren just before the close of the fight; and as Griffin met the cavalry at Five Forks, Sheridan in person placed him in command of the corps, and ordered him to push down the White Oak road. Griffin kept up the pursuit till after dark, when the command was halted, the cavalry having pushed to the front, out of sight and hearing of the infantry, a distance of at least six miles.

At seven o'clock, the entire rebel force had been either captured or dispersed, and the cavalry was recalled. Griffin was now ordered to countermarch the Fifth corps on the White Oak road, and go into position east of Five Forks, facing Petersburg, for it was feared that Lee might make some attempt to relieve the force that had been detached from his

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G. K. Warren (4)
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Fitz Hugh Lee (1)
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