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[878] σοί τε: the “τέ” is loosely placed after the pron. instead of after “ἐπιπείθονται. — δεδμήμεσθα” (“δάμνημι”): we are subject, we are obedient. For the change of person from “ἐπιπείθονται”, cf. 7.159 f., 17.250, “οὐ γὰρ Κύκλωπες Διὸς αἰγιόχου ἀλέγουσιν, οὐδὲ θεῶν μακάρων, ἐπεὶ πολὺ φέρτεροί εἰμεν ι” 275 f.

ἕκαστος: in partitive appos. with the subj. of the verb.

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